bestehend aus 5/10 DVDs à 04:05 min

Installationsansicht Lindenau-Museum Altenburg, 2011
5 Monitore, versetzt aufgestellt, zeigen 5 tanzende Menschen, eine Tanzgruppe. Am Ende ihres Tanzes erklingt der Satz: „Keep trying and you make the show“ und eine andere Tanzgruppe bewegt sich zum selben Lied, dass blechern aus einer High School Musical Tanzmatte erklingt: „Think bigger! Become superstars. That‘s better. Don‘t you see that bigger is better, and better is bigger, a little bit is never enough. No, No, No! Don‘t you want it all! You want it; you know that you want it, the fame and the fortune and more. You want it all, you want it; you know that you want it. You got to have your star on the door. You want the world nothing less, all the glam and the press only giving you the best to use. Sing it! I want it all. I want it, I want it, yeah, my name in lights at Carnegie Hall, I want it all!”
5 monitors show, arranged shifted, 5 dancing people, a dancing chorus of ordinary people. At the end of their dancing, you hear the phrase: „Keep trying and you make the show“ and another dancing chorus moves to the same song which comes out of a High School Musical dancing mat: „Think bigger! Become superstars. That's better. Don't you see that bigger is better, and better is bigger, a little bit is never enough. No, No, No! Don't you want it all! You want it; you know that you want it, the fame and the fortune and more. You want it all, you want it; you know that you want it. You got to have your star on the door. You want the world nothing less, all the glam and the press only giving you the best to use. Sing it! I want it all. I want it, I want it, yeah, my name in lights at Carnegie Hall, I want it all!”